Xue Liu

Xue's scientific work in one sentence

To elucidate metabolic regulators of insulin action in aging and obesity

For more information click here.

Short CV

University Studies: 2017 University of Chinese Academy of Sciences
Current Position: PhD student, HMGU Munich

5 questions about research - past, present, future

1. What are your primary tasks and responsibilities in your actual position?
In the first stage of PhD I acquired knowledge on various methods and techniques centered around pancreatic islet function and systemic metabolism from. Now my primary tasks are to design and conduct experiments studying the effects of aging in general or specific genes in pancreatic beta cells on systemic metabolism. I am now also learning how to summarize and publish my data in scientific journals.

2. What is it that gives you pleasure and/or satisfaction the most?
Get results after failing N times OR get a new technique that will propel my project.

3. Which research question(s) affects you at the moment? What is its social significance?
Racemase (SRR) is an enzyme converting L serine to D serine, with important function in the development of schizophrenia. However, we and others found a potential important role in pancreatic islets regulating insulin secretion. Amongst other studies, I am investigating the function of SRR specifically in pancreatic beta cells to see how it affects the insulin secretion and how it regulates the whole body homeostasis.

4. Which publication influenced you the most?
All good publications can inspire me a lot. However, I would like to recommend a book ‘Guyton and Hall Text book of Medical Physiology’ that one of my supervisors recommended to me in the first year of PhD from which I benefit a lot recently.

5. What do you like most about AMPro? What are your particular plans within the collaboration?
I like most that it always provides me with a good opportunity to lean and communicate from and with other PhD students for example during summer school and spring school. AMPro provides a great platform to connect groups from different research fields that share a common interest in aging, allowing us to learn from each other and work together. For example, I very appreciate our collaboration with Dr. Rohm on sharing access to cohorts of aged mice. 

5 questions beyond research

1. What are your experiences with reconciliation of family or private and working life?
I remember my supervisor once said ‘hard party and hardworking’ to us, which I think quite helpful.

2. What is theexperience during your PhD you will remember all your life?
The first time I succeeded isolating islets from mouse.

3. Which book and/or movie has lately affected you the most?
Maybe Zootopia, the character of rabbit Judie is worth to learn.

4. What are your hobbies?
Playing badmintons and running.

5. What is your favorite color, season and/or football (or other sports) club?
Yellow and pink. Winter. It always lets you calm down and take it easy.