Robert Schneider

Robert's scientific work in one sentence

Our research at the Institute of Functional Epigenetics aims at understanding the epigenetic principles underlying how cells and organisms integrate metabolic signals, establish cellular memory and regulate plasticity to identify new epigenetic pathways and novel therapeutic targets

For more information click here.

Short CV

University Studies: Diploma, Biology 1996
PhD: 2000 LMU Munich
Current Position: Director Institute of Functional Epigenetics, HMGU

What is - in your opinion - your best publication?

Difficult to choose…. Usually the most recent one ;)

What are your most important prizes and memeberships?

Prizes: ERC grant, Chaire Gutenberg, équipes labellisées

Membership: Editor PLOS Genetics, various selection and review committees….

5 questions about research - past, present, future

1. What are your primary tasks and responsibilities in your actual position?
Ideally moving science forward and creating the right environment for the next breakthroughs.  However, reality is of the different…

2. What is it that gives you pleasure and/or satisfaction the most?
Discovering something new, nobody has seen before; discussing science inside and outside of the lab; mentoring

3. Which research question(s) affects you at the moment? What is its social significance?
How can cells remember that a gene has been on before and adapt the second response to the same stimulus (e.g. being exposed twice to the same sugar)

4. Which publication influenced you the most?
Difficult, most likely the review by Brian Turner describing an epigenetic code for the first time (Turner, B.M. 1993, Cell, 75:5-8.)

5. What do you like most about AMPro? What are your particular plans within the collaboration?
We established additional new cross-center collaborations – so AMPro is a real success !