Daniele Bano

Daniele's scientific work in one sentence

I study the importance of mitochondria and chromatin remodeling in metabolic syndromes, aging and age-related neurodegenerative diseases.

For more information click here.

Short CV

University Studies: 1998, Degree in Biology, University of Padova, Italy
PhD: 2003, Biochemistry and Biophysics, University of Padova, Italy
Current Position: Research Group Leader, DZNE, Bonn

What is - in your opinion - your best publication?

Bano, D., K. W. Young, C. J. Guerin, R. Lefeuvre, N. J. Rothwell, L. Naldini, R. Rizzuto, E. Carafoli and P. Nicotera (2005). "Cleavage of the plasma membrane Na+/Ca2+ exchanger in excitotoxicity." Cell. 2005 Jan 28;120(2):275-85.

What is your most important prize?

2001 EMBO fellowship (EMBO)

5 questions about research - past, present, future

1. What are your primary tasks and responsibilities in your actual position?
My primary tasks are (1) to support and coordinate the work of my lab members; (2) to obtain additional grants and establish new scientific collaborations. When possible, I run pilot experiments to explore future lines of investigation.    

2. What is it that gives you pleasure and/or satisfaction the most?
I enjoy to perform experiments in the laboratory! I love to test scientific hypotheses and address challenging questions in an experimental manner.

3. Which research question(s) affects you at the moment? What is its social significance?
I focus on molecular mechanisms that determine organismal responsiveness to environmental and genetic cues. I am particularly interested in the epigenetic landscape that promotes longevity and associated metabolic adaptations. This work might lead to the identification of molecular targets and/or compounds clinically relevant as disease modifiers.

4. Which publication influenced you the most?
Too many! 

5. What do you like most about AMPro? What are your particular plans within the collaboration?
It is a great interdisciplinary initiative that puts together excellent scientists with knowledge in different fields. Definitely, it is the perfect consortium where to start new collaborations.  

5 questions beyond research

1. What are your experiences with reconciliation of family or private and working life?
Not easy, because I spent most of my time in the lab. It is a personal, science-driven choice.

2. What is the experience during your PhD you will remember all your life?
When I decided to move from Italy to UK.

3. Which book and/or movie has lately affected you the most?
Book= A Shattered Peace: Versailles 1919 and the Price We Pay Today (David A. Andelman). It is a thorough description of those decisions that shaped current world’s geopolitics and, therefore, impacted decades of history. Movie= Planet of the Humans (Michael Moore, Jeff Gibbs, Ozzie Zehner). An interesting documentary that explains the meaning of renewable energy sources and their limitations in term of sustainability.   

4. What are your hobbies?
From a sport lover (windsurfing, skiing, weight training) to music, travelling, photography, biking, wine collector. Next, playing a musical instrument.
5. What is your favorite color and season?
Color: blue. Season: spring.